People sitting at tables in a restaurant enjoying their dinner.

A Letter to Fruita – Best Small Town in America!

Whom It May Concern,

We had the opportunity to stay in Fruita for a month this summer and I wanted to report what a wonderful time we had. We think Fruita is the BEST small town in America!

For two weeks we stayed in the Monument RV Park which was very accommodating and the second two weeks were in James M. Robb State Park which is one of the best ever! The sites were large and our view of the Monument fantastic, We were even able to walk over to an outstanding concert.

We found the restaurants in Fruita much better than the average town. We loved the Hot Tomato and had peach pizza at every opportunity, Camilla’s was great for lunch and we developed a a friendship with Candy, an outstanding waitress! We enjoyed the atmosphere of Suds (hi to Jo) and No Coast had the best tempura ever (hi to Katie). Loved the Copper bar where dogs are welcome and I guess horses as well from a picture I saw. They had terrific beers!

The Walgreens was well stocked and we loved the City Market! The staff there was so helpful. The manager was great and there was always enough help. If we even looked like we could not find something we were immediately asked if they could help. The checkers even stand at the end of the check out to let you know their line is open! I loved buying reduced roses for $4 that lasted a week!

We went to the Farmer’s Market weekly and stocked up on all your local produce as well as plants, purses and even a pot for my plants made from tires. We enjoyed the music in the park which added ambience as well.

I enjoyed the community pool so much and regularly attended the water workouts. I love yoga and found Suzy Potratz’s studio to be so supportive, All the instructors are fantastic!  Suzy herself is a gift to the community through her yoga and body work. If you have anything wrong structurally she is definitely the person to see!

My husband is a road biker and he loved the miles of roads with no cars out in the ranch areas. We also enjoyed mountain biking in the Highline State Park.

The Colorado National Monument is such a beautiful place and the views are spectacular! We may take our RV up there. We had the opportunity through my niece and her husband, Beth and Kevin Hagerty, to  float down the Colorado and my niece Taylor, the horse driver, made it possible to have a horse drawn wine tasting tour of Palisade, home of the world’s best peaches!

Importantly, the people of Fruita are so friendly, helpful and considerate. The way people stop when someone is crossing the street and wait patiently at the four way stops is something we do not see in California.

I could go on and on about your wonderful town and I know I have missed commenting on some special attributes and people we encountered, but I did want to make sure to let you know how much we enjoyed our time in Fruita.

Please feel free to share my letter with anyone. We can’t thank everyone individually,but we do want you to know what a wonderful time we had! We look forward to returning next summer!

Barbara and Frank
Borrego Springs, CA

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